
air rise now

you don’t realize how important it is
until you are gasping for it
hot and dizzy and grabbing at it
not being able to speak to it 
but knowing it by name


straight out and up from sleep
brain telling body to get the fuck up
something is happening (out there)
and now it’s happening (in here)



in me is grief and great expectation
firing on all cynlinders  
won’t wait for it
so they fight for it
hot and dizzy
they grab at it
and not being able to speak to it
they cry out




she wants to live.

it's springtime in america

mostly everything around is alive 
and teeming with life and expectation
and offering exuberant praises of thanks
perfectly tuned to the creation frequency: love

it’s springtime in america

and some days i’m right in tune with the times
and i bet some days you’re right in tune too
deeply in love with everything that is alive
and praiseworthy and on beat

it’s springtime
but still also america

and this moment
this very moment feels and sounds off, way off
and familiar too
like skipped needle over vinyl, off
like sugar in your grits when you prefer salt, off
like calling your mother by her first name, off
like bombs dropping everywhere children are, off

like sheep being led to the slaughter
like america since the beginning


distracted and disjointed and definitely not working
on the edge of my bed
also not feeling safe
on the edge of my bed
and not feeling sure
on the edge of my bed
and not feeling seen
on the edge of my bed
and not feeling heard
on the edge of my bed
and not feeling clear about anything that’s happening now
on the edge of my bed
or anywhere in the world
where the people are distracted and disjointed and definitely not working
because their people are dead or dying
and a safe room hasn’t been built

solo traveler

black sands
blue-black waters
burnt brown soles
blue shutters
white steeples
and bells
so many bells
and open doors
inviting me in
to sit and pray
for courage and safety
but mostly courage to seek 
steep windy mountains
with no guardrails
that send me spinning
out of control
and leave me bloodied
but not too banged up
heart beating out my chest but still
i’m still alive
because i just got here
and I need more sunsets


seek peace and pursue it, You said.
show me how, i said.
show me how, i said again

and then again
and then again
and then again

and then again

and then again

and then again

and then again

and again
and again
and again
and again
and again

even now
on days when i’m just not sure
of anything except You
i stand in the sureness of what You said, still
and i remember the willingness in what i said, still
and i am in awe of it all, still

love in not so normal times

in normal times
i would’ve walked up to the porch when she called out to me
and with all my teeth and good manners said
because she’s my elder and because respect and 
because my mother is Black and 
because my grandmother is Black 
and because just because
but these are not normal times
so i keep my distance
and make space enough for us to
both feel safe
cared for
in these not so normal times but
instead of walking away 
having only mumbled a hello she probably 
couldn’t hear because 
the distance is              not normal
i turn 
i open my body in her direction 
and i care bear stare her 
projecting my heart and my voice
showing my teeth and good manners
i say 
loud enough so she hears
warm enough so she feels
safe enough so she lives